Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers
Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers

Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers

Total production numbers are based on Vorisek’s estimates. These numbers also apply to the hundreds of Tradename guns produced by Crescent and sold by Folsom. Vorisek’s estimated Dates of Manufacture were published in The Breech Loading Shotgun In America 1865 to 1940, but appears to contains errors in the production dates for the various named Hammerless Double models based on available H&D Folsom catalogs which, for the most part, were numbered but not dated. production records do not exist, and are believed to have been destroyed as part of World War II paper drives following the dissolution of Crescent-Davis Arms Corporation, Norwich, Conn.

Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers